2025 Annual REEA Conference/Myrtle Beach, SC

Click Here to Pre-Register
by 8/2/25

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
July 29 – August 2, 2025

REinspire 2025: Innovate, Instruct, Inspire is a premier conference for forward-thinking real estate educators dedicated to shaping the industry's future. Set for 2025, this event will be a pivotal platform where innovation, instruction, and inspiration converge.

Attendees will explore the latest educational technologies and teaching methodologies transforming real estate education. The conference empowers educators with insights and strategies to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes in today's dynamic market. Participants will network with industry leaders and innovators through workshops, keynotes, and interactive sessions, gaining valuable tools to effectively instruct and inspire the next generation of real estate professionals.

Join us at REinspire 2025 to ignite a passion for teaching and help shape the future of real estate education--an essential gathering for impactful educators.


Tuesday July 29 REEA GSI IDW #1
8:00–9:00 am Registration Open: REEA GSI IDW #1 - Gold Standard Instructor
Instructor Development Workshop | Class Location & Sponsored by: Pinnacle Real Estate Academy, 9626 N. Kings Hwy | Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29572
9:00 am–4:00 pm REEA GSI IDW #1 - Instructor Development Workshop - $179
Taking Your Instruction to New Heights #1: The first of three IDW's created and presented by REEA's own members that focuses on mastering the five principles of creating a dynamic classroom. This is a separate ticked item. Please be sure to register for this session. REEA GSIs can retake this course at our $99 refresher rate!
Wednesday July 30 REEA GSI IDW #2, REEA's Pathway class & Welcome
8:00–9:00 am Registration Open: REEA GSI IDW #2 - Gold Standard Instructor
Instructor Development Workshop | Class Location & Sponsored by: Pinnacle Real Estate Academy, 9626 N. Kings Hwy | Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29572
9:00 am–4:00 pm REEA GSI IDW #2 - Instructor Development Workshop - $179
Taking Your Instruction to New Heights #2: Second of a three-part series that continues instructor's journeys' of executing the 5 principles of a dynamic classroom. This is a separate ticked item. Please be sure to register for this session. REEA GSIs can retake this course at our $99 refresher rate!
1:00–5:00 pm Exhibitor Set Up
Exhibitors will use this time to setup to be ready for Thursday Conference - no attendees please.
1:00–5:00 pm REEA's Pathway to Effective Curriculum Writing (New Class)
4-Hour Professional Development Course: If you have ever written or wanted to write your own education curriculum, this is the course for you. It addresses four of the most important aspects of curriculum writing: learning objectives, active learning strategies, effective assessment methods, and purposeful student and instructor manuals. The course provides numerous opportunities to participate in engaging activities and get you on the pathway toward writing your own curriculum. Early Bird Rate expires May 31, 2025. Late charges will be added as of 6/1/2025. Class Location & Sponsored by: Pinnacle Real Estate Academy, 9626 N. Kings Hwy | Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29572
4:00–6:00 pm Conference Registration Open
Pick up your registration package at the Conference Center
4:30–6:00 pm REEA Past-President's Council Meeting
Location to be determined.
4:30–6:00 pm Meet Your REEA Buddee
Attention 1st Time Attendees!! Do you have a REEA Buddee? Maybe looking for someone to Buddee up with during the Conference? Interested in being a REEA Buddee Mentor? Join us for a quick meet your REEA Buddee before our Welcome Happy Hour, everyone welcome!
6:00–8:00 pm Welcome Reception
Meet us for our Welcome Reception and enjoy this fun way to start off our conference.
Thursday July 31 REEA Conference Day 1
6:00–7:00 am REEAWalkers
Join the REEAWalkers for a beautiful walk to get your morning started.
7:30–8:30 am Continental Breakfast
7:30 am–4:00 pm Conference Registration Desk Open
7:30 am–4:00 pm Exhibitors Open
8:00–9:30 am Annual REEA Business Meeting & Installation of Officers
9:30–10:30 am Opening Keynote
10:45–11:45 am Education Directors Session
10:45–11:45 am Instructor Session
10:45–11:45 am Regulator Session
10:45–11:45 am School Owner Session
12:00–1:30 pm General Lunch and Awards
1:45–2:45 pm Concurrent Breakout Sessions
3:00–4:00 pm Concurrent Breakout Sessions
4:15–5:15 pm Concurrent Breakout Sessions
5:30 pm Dinner on Your Own
5:30–7:00 pm REEA Diamond DREI Cocktail Reception
By invitation only
Friday August 01 REEA Conference Day 2
6:00–7:00 am REEAWalkers
Join the REEAWalkers for a beautiful walk to get your morning started.
7:30–8:30 am Continental Breakfast
7:30 am–4:00 pm Conference Registration Desk Open
7:30 am–4:00 pm Exhibitors Open
8:30–9:30 am REEATalks
9:45–10:45 am Concurrent Breakout Sessions
11:00 am–12:00 pm Concurrent Breakout Sessions
12:00–1:30 pm Lunch on Your Own
1:30–2:30 pm General Session
2:45–3:45 pm Concurrent Breakout Sessions
4:00–5:00 pm Closing Session
6:30–10:30 pm Closing Dinner
6:30–10:30 pm Extra: GUEST - Closing Dinner Ticket Only ($150.00)
GUEST - Closing Dinner Ticket Only Invite your Guest to join you at our Closing Dinner
Saturday August 02 REEA GSI IDW #3
6:00–7:00 am REEAWalkers
Join the REEAWalkers for a beautiful walk to get your morning started.
8:00–9:00 am Registration Open: REEA GSI IDW #3 - Gold Standard Instructor
Instructor Development Workshop | Class Location & Sponsored by: Pinnacle Real Estate Academy, 9626 N. Kings Hwy | Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29572
9:00 am–4:00 pm REEA GSI IDW #3 - Instructor Development Workshop - $179
Taking Your Instruction to New Heights #3: Explores Cutting Edge Tools & Technologies That Make Teaching & Learning Fun! Hands on Training! Bring your laptop and power cords. This is a separate ticked item. Please be sure to register for this session. REEA GSIs can retake this course at our $99 refresher rate!

Hotel Information

Sheraton Myrtle Beach | 201 N. Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, SC  29577 | 1-800-325-3535

Special Room Rates available at $189.00/night ++.  Use this link or contact the hotel directly at 1-888-627-8203 to reserve within our block now.  Please understand that all reservations must be made prior to cutoff date June 27, 2025 or until our block is sold out. After that date there is no guarantee of our special room rate and at that time any remaining rooms will be released back into hotel inventory and reservations will only be available based on hotel occupancy at the prevailing selling rate.

  • An additional charge of $10.00 per person, per room, per night will apply for triple and quadruple occupancy.
  • Group rate will be offered three days pre/post conference, based upon availability.
  • Hotel room rates are subject to applicable state and local taxes currently at 13%.
  • Please add 3% facilities fee to guest room rate.
  • Individual room cancellations require a 72-hour notice or a one night's room and tax will be charged.

Hotel parking is available at the prevailing rates of $10.00 plus tax, per day per vehicle for overnight guests.

Attire Information

Conference and Classes: Business Casual

Closing Dinner Attire: to be determined.

Additional Information

REEA GSI IDW classes

Tuesday, July 29, 2025 | 9am-4pm | REEA GSI IDW  #1

Wednesday, July 30, 2025 | 9am-4pm | REEA GSI IDW  #2

Friday August 2, 2025 | 9am-4pm | REEA GSI IDW  #3

REEA's Pathway to Effective Curriculum Writing

Wednesday, July 30, 2025 | 1pm-5pm | 4-Hour Professional Development Course

All classes listed above will take place at the specified location below and are sponsored by our friends at,

Pinnacle Real Estate Academy, 9626 N. Kings Hwy | Myrtle Beach, S.C. 29572

Cancellation Policy


  • All cancellation requests must be in writing with the reason for cancellation and sent to REEA Headquarters via email to Kris@REEA.org.
  • Cancellations received prior to midnight on May 31, 2025 will receive a full refund.
  • Cancellations received between June 1, 2025 - July 6, 2025 will receive a refund of 50% of registration fee paid.
  • There is no refund for cancellations received after July 7, 2025.

Due to unforseen changes with the COVID-19 Pandemic and REEA needs to cancel/postpone this event, your Registration fee will be returned and/or transferred to a future Annual REEA Conference. All other costs involved with your travel, lodging and/or any other expenses incurred by you is your responsibility.   REEA and it's Board of Directors have the right to make changes to these policies at anytime.

REEA GSI IDW Cancellation Policy:

  • All cancellation requests must be in writing with the reason for cancellation and sent to REEA Headquarters via email to Kris@REEA.org.
  • There is a $100.00 cancellation fee for all cancellations received after July 6, 2025.
  • There is no refund for cancellations received after July 7, 2025 as all materials and meals have been purchased.

Registrations made for the REEA GSI IDW Session after July 1, 2025 are not guaranteed IDW Materials.

Nationwide Event Inclement Weather Policy:

Since REEA makes financial obligations based on the number of registrations and exhibitor spaces sold for events, registration fees cannot be refunded unless the event is cancelled by REEA due to inclement weather and a registrant's written request is received within 14 days of the event start date. If REEA cancels the event due to weather, REEA will issue a credit for the registrant upon written request, which may be applied within twelve (12) months either to the next scheduled REEA Conference or another REEA event. All requests for credit must be in writing and emailed/mailed to the REEA Office at the address below with appropriate proof of travel cancellation within 14 days of the event's start date.

No refunds will be given for cancellations due to weather if the event itself is not cancelled. REEA will not refund any travel expenses that may be incurred under any circumstances.  All requests for cancellation refunds must be in writing and emailed/mailed to the REEA Office at the address below within 14 days of the event start date with appropriate proof of travel cancellation.  All refunds due to an illness, injury, death or emergency will be considered on a case by case basis by the REEA Executive Director.

Closing Dinner - Acknowledgement Statement:

By registering for the REEA Conference Closing Dinner, I understand that in the event that I and/or my guest is attending the REEA Closing Dinner and should cause damage, it is hereby understood & agreed that I/my guest are liable for such damage and will pay for such damages directly to the facility and relieve REEA of any liability arising there from.

By registering you understand that your name, city, state, phone and email will be avaiable to all REEA Members and attendee of this conference.

Inquiries and Questions are to be sent to:

Real Estate Educators Association
Kris Inman, National Executive Director
REEA Headquarters
7739 E. Broadway, #337 | Tucson, AZ 85710 | 520.609.2380 | Fax: 520.296.6006

Sponsorship of activities by vendors or regulated entities at this conference or meeting shall not be construed as an endorsement by REEA of the sponsoring entity or of the products, services, policies or positions. The sponsorship is not intended by the vendor or regulated entity, nor should it be construed by anyone, to influence the decisions of REEA and its representatives.

Click Here to Pre-Register
by 8/2/25

Registration Information

Attending the entire event.

Type Fee
Early Bird Registration
Register Early and Save! Includes Welcome Reception, two full days + Closing Dinner. This special rate expires May 31, 2025.
Available 10/01/2024 to 05/31/2025 only
Full Conference Registration
Full Conference Registration includes Welcome Reception, two full days + Closing Dinner. This rate is good starting June 1 - July 6, 2025
Available 06/01/2025 to 07/06/2025 only
Late/Onsite Registration
A $50.00 late registration fee will apply after July 6, 2025. or on site at the conference. This rate includes Welcome Reception, two full days + Closing Dinner.
Available 07/07/2025 to 08/02/2025 only
Full GUEST Registration (non-REEA Member)
A guest (non-REEA Member) registration must accompany attendee with a full paid registration. Limited one guest per attendee. Rate expires July 6, 2025. A $50.00 late registration fee will apply after July 6, 2025.
Available 10/01/2024 to 08/02/2025 only
Conference Speaker
You must have been confirmed as a speaker for the conference to be eligible for this rate. This special rate expires on May 31, 2025.
Available 10/01/2024 to 05/31/2025 only
REEA GSI IDW #1 ONLY - no conference registration
Full Day, REEA GSI Instructor Development Workshop #1 "Master the Principles of Creating a Dynamic Classroom" - Separate Ticketed Item. A $50.00 late registration fee will apply after July 6, 2025.
Available 10/02/2024 to 07/29/2025 only
REEA GSI IDW #2 ONLY - no conference registration
Full Day, REEA GSI Instructor Development Workshop #2 "Apply the Principles of Creating a Dynamic Classroom" - Separate Ticketed Item. A $50.00 late registration fee will apply after July 6, 2025.
Available 10/02/2024 to 07/30/2025 only
REEA GSI IDW #3 ONLY - no conference registration
Full Day, REEA GSI Instructor Development Workshop #3 "Utilize Technology and Tools to Create a Dynamic Classroom" - Separate Ticketed Item. A $50.00 late registration fee will apply after July 6, 2025.
Available 10/02/2024 to 08/02/2025 only
One Day Registration - Friday Only
This fee applies for a full Friday only registration expires July 6, 2025. A $50.00 late registration fee will apply after July 6, 2025.
Available 10/01/2024 to 08/02/2025 only
Partial Guest Registration - mealed events only
Invite your Guest (Non-REEA member) to join you for the following; Networking Event, Lunch, and Closing Dinner. This fee does not allow your guest to attend the full conference. Only 1 per paid REEA Member attendee. Rate expires July 6, 2025. A $50.00 late registration fee will apply after July 6, 2025.
Available 10/01/2024 to 08/02/2025 only
GUEST - Closing Dinner Ticket Only
Invite your Guest to join you at our Closing Dinner
Available 10/01/2024 to 08/02/2025 only
One Day Registration - Thursday Only
This fee applies for a full Thursday only registration, expires July 6, 2025. A $50.00 late registration fee will apply after July 6, 2025.
Available 10/01/2024 to 08/02/2025 only
REEA's Pathway to Effective Curriculum Writing - Early Bird
4-Hour Professional Development Course: If you have ever written or wanted to write your own education curriculum, this is the course for you. It addresses four of the most important aspects of curriculum writing: learning objectives, active learning strategies, effective assessment methods, and purposeful student and instructor manuals. The course provides numerous opportunities to participate in engaging activities and get you on the pathway toward writing your own curriculum. Early Bird Rate expires May 31, 2025.
Available 10/02/2024 to 05/31/2025 only
REEA's Pathway to Effective Curriculum Writing - Full Registration Rate
4-Hour Professional Development Course: If you have ever written or wanted to write your own education curriculum, this is the course for you. It addresses four of the most important aspects of curriculum writing: learning objectives, active learning strategies, effective assessment methods, and purposeful student and instructor manuals. The course provides numerous opportunities to participate in engaging activities and get you on the pathway toward writing your own curriculum. Early Bird Rate expires July 6, 2025
Available 06/01/2025 to 07/30/2025 only

Register before:7/6/25 to avoid late registration fees.
Late Registration Fee:$50.00
Registration closes on:8/2/25

2025 Annual REEA Conference-Sponsorship & Exhibitor Opportunities.1.pdf
View the many Sponsor & Exhibitor opportunities and be a part of our 2025 Annual REEA Conference and REEA GSI IDW class Sponsorships!
401.03 KiB 10/3/24 7:38 PM
Application Sponsor Exhibitor -2025 Annual REEA Conference.1.pdf
View the many Sponsor & Exhibitor opportunities and be a part of our 2025 Annual REEA Conference and REEA GSI IDW class Sponsorships!
364.98 KiB 10/3/24 7:38 PM

Use this tab to download the latest event roster, which includes everyone registered for the event as of this moment.

You must be logged in to access the event rosters. You will be prompted to login when you click the links below.

Sponsorship of activities by vendors or regulated entities at this conference or meeting shall not be construed as an endorsement by REEA of the sponsoring entity or of the products, services, policies or positions. The sponsorship is not intended by the vendor or regulated entity, nor should it be construed by anyone, to influence the decisions of REEA and its representatives.


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