REEA Diamond DREI Designation
"Distinguished Real Estate Instructor"
This designation was created by the Real Estate Educators Association to set the standard for excellence in real estate classroom instruction. Regulators and others can be assured that a real estate educator who has earned a REEA Diamond Distinguished Real Estate Instructor (DREI) designation will exhibit a mastery of subject matter, proven presentation ability, relevant experience, and superior teaching skills.
The REEA Diamond DREI program is administered by the REEA Diamond DREI Leadership Council which is elected by the REEA Diamond DREI membership. The REEA Diamond DREI designation is a classroom teaching designation that adheres to the Generally Accepted Principles of Education (GAPE) adopted by REEA.
Your 2024 REEA Diamond DREI Leadership Council
Stormie Benfield , DREI, GSI - 2024-2026
Deb Carpenter , DREI - 2024-2026
Robert "Bob" Kutschbach , DREI, GSI - 2023-2025
John Mayfield , DREI - 2023-2025
Steve Oliver , DREI - 2022-2024
John Wenner , DREI - 2022-2024
Jan Ellingson , DREI, GSI - REEA Treasurer and REEA Board Liaison
National publicity for designee and his/her organization
Use of the REEA Diamond DREI credential, denoting excellence as a real estate classroom instructor
A REEA Diamond DREI Certification of Excellence suitable for framing
A REEA Diamond DREI lapel pin
Recognition on the REEA website, newsletters and other publications; and
Invitation to the annual REEA Diamond DREI Summit; available only to REEA Diamond DREIs, REEA Diamond DREI Candidates and invited guests
Owner / Real Estate Broker ACH Consulting LLC
REEA is an organization where I can have a one on one relationship with some of the greatest educators, regulators and education directors in real estate. Although I am a DREI we realize you need to constantly work, improve, and strengthen your skills -- REEA gives me those opportunities along with valuable networking to keep me on the forefront of real estate education.
View Full Profile
REMINDER: As stated in the REEA Diamond DREI Policies and Procedures Manual, Section III. Designation Renewal Criteria c. REEA Diamond DREI Summit: Upon the third and each subsequent renewal, each REEA Diamond DREI shall attend at least one(1) REEA Diamond DREI Summit in the three (3) years immediately prior to renewal.
Join us for our Annual REEA Diamond DREI Summit in January 9-11, 2025
Atlanta Evergreen Lakeside Resort
Registration & Event Information
Mr. Brad Barker, DREI, GSI, REEA Past President
Mr. Mark Barker, DREI, GSI, REEA Past President
Michelle Behrendt, DREI, GSI
Stormie Benfield, DREI, GSI
Velore Brown, DREI, GSI
Fredrick G. Buehler, Jr.,MBA, DREI, GSI, GRI
Ms. Deborah Carpenter, DREI
David Catanzaro, DREI
Ms. Cindy S. Chandler, DREI, GSI
Leslie Clauson, DREI Inactive, GSI
Rev Spencer Clifford, MDiv, DREI
Kizzy Victoria Crawford Heath, DREI
Alisha DeBerry, DREI, CDEI, GSI
Ms. Cheri-Lynn Diamond, DREI
Jessica Durham, DREI, GSI
Mr. Leonard C. Elder, JD, DREI, GSI
Jan Ellingson, DREI, GSI
Kandye Ellis, DREI, GSI
Mr. Travis R Everette, DREI
Gary Farris, DREI, CDEI
Frank Fields, MAEd, DREI, GSI
Jim Fletemier, DREI
Tracy Frazier, DREI
Mr. Richard T. Fryer, DREI, REEA Past President
Bill Gallagher, DREI, GSI
Richard J. Gallegos, Jr., DREI
John Gillam, DREI, GSI, GSL
Corean Hamlin, DREI
Dr Samuel L. Henderson, BS, MUSE, MSRE, CAGS, Ed.D, DREI, CDEI
Mr. James Hogan, DREI
Elizabeth Cushman Hume, DREI, GSI
Rebecca Jones, DREI, GSI
Brenda Kasuva, DREI, GSI
Mr. Robert C. Kutschbach, DREI, GSI, REEA Past President
Jeffrey Lapin, CPM, ARM, DREI
Melea Lemon, M Ed, DREI, GSI
Suzy Lieber, DREI, GSI, M.S.M.,EdM.A.
Susan Malloy, DREI, GSI
John Mayfield, DREI, GSI
Mrs. PeggyAnn E. McConnochie, DREI, GSI
Mr Dennis Everett Miller, DREI, GSI, GSL, MBA, MIRM, CDEI, CSP, CMP
Mr. Bruce Wayne Moyer, DREI, GSI, GSL, REEA Past President
Kara Nicholls, DREI, CDEI
Mr. Steven Oliver, DREI
Will Parker, DREI, GSI
Cammie Reed, DREI, GSI
Dr. Conrad R Richards, DREI, GSI, GSL, REEA Past President
Steve Robinson, DREI, GSI
Vickie S. Rogers, DREI, GSI
David Rowan, DREI
Mary Sand, DREI, GSI
Mr. Daniel Paul Sarrett, DREI CDEI
Debbie Shields, DREI, GSI
Ms. Joyce Bea Sterling, DREI
Ms. Kim Stotesbury, DREI, GSI, GSL
Mr. Maurice Taylor, DREI, GSI, President
John B. Walker, DREI
Mr. Terry Watson, DREI
Mr. John Wenner, DREI, CDEI
Mr. Richard Carl Wright, DREI
Dee A Young, DREI, GSI, CDEI
REEA DREI (Emeritus)
Mr. Alec Hagerty, DREI Emeritus
Mr. John A. Hamilton, DREI Emeritus, REEA Past President
Mr. Charles J. Jacobus, DREI Emeritus, REEA Past President
Don Levi, DREI Emeritus, REEA Past President
Ms. Karel Murray, DREI Emeritus, REEA Past President
Mr. Dana S Rhodes, DREI Emeritus, GSI, CDEI, MAED
Mr. Tim R. Terry, DREI Emeritus
REEA DREI (Retired)
Ms. Roz Allemond, DREI Retired
Ms. Marianne F. Allen, DREI Retired
Ms. Penny Alston, DREI Retired
Ms. Betty J. Armbrus, DREI Retired, REEA Past President
Ms. Marianne F. Barkman, DREI Retired
Mr. Stuart M. Bernstein, DREI Retired
Ms. Dianna W. Brouthers, DREI Retired, REEA Past President
Ms. Sherald Butler, DREI Retired
Mr. Maurice Clifton, DREI Retired
Mr. Henry S. Harrison, DREI Retired
Ms. Patricia Johnson, DREI Retired
Mr. Robert R. Jones, DREI Retired
Joanne Klein, DREI Retired
Mr. Kent Levine, DREI Retired
Ms. Victoria P. Lilly, DREI Retired
Mr. Richard S. Linkemer, DREI Retired
Mrs Gail G. Lyons, DREI Retired
Mr. Jack A. Marinello, DREI Retired
Dr. Beverly H McCormick, DREI Retired
Mr. Stephen Mennuti, DREI Retired Sr.
Mr Jack Miedema, DREI Retired
Dr. Cheryl Nance, DREI Retired
Ms. Karen Post, DREI Retired, REEA Past President
Mr. Richard Reece, DREI Retired
Mr. John W. Reilly, DREI Retired, REEA Past President
Mr. Fred G. Richter, DREI Retired
Ms. Marcia L. Russell, DREI Retired
Ms. Barbara Samet, DREI Retired
Mr. Douglas L. Schmitt, DREI Retired
Mr. Carlton H. Segars, Jr, DREI Retired
Mrs Priscilla G. Senecal, DREI Retired
Ms. Diane Simpson, DREI Retired, REEA Past President
Dr. David Sirota, DREI Retired
Ms. Marie S. Spodek, DREI Retired
Dr. Carmel Streater PhD, GSI, CDEI, DREI (Ret) Past President
Mr. Ralph Tamper, DREI Retired, REEA Past President
Mr. Roger R. Turcotte, DREI Retired
Mr. Randall S. Van Reken, DREI Retired
Mr. Everett Worcester, DREI Retired
Mrs. Mary E. Yonkers, DREI Retired